Saturday, May 10, 2008

From 2008

(Pasted from my other blog for reference. I didn't post the whole thing because it was too long. But here's the story I linked for.)

After the big party at his high school stadium, we were all just kinda hanging around trying to decide if we wanted to do anything else in Salt Lake while we were all together. After most of the crowd was gone we saw a bunch of people congregating by a limo, so we went over to check it out. Dave could see that there were security guards standing in a doorway, so while others were crowding around the limo, we got as close as we could to that door. When David Archuleta walked from that door to the limo, all the girls who were there ran to the edge of the sidewalk to scream for (at?) him. I hesitated briefly, knowing that I was too old to get so excited about a 17-year-old, but then I thought, "What the heck?" And I joined the screaming masses with an infant in my arms. I accidentally almost pushed a girl over as I was trying to get a high five, and thought to myself, "Now this really is ridiculous." But I am president of the fan club, so I knew I was representing more than just my own interests. I'm not sure if I got a high five from David Archuleta or from one of his bodyguards, but no matter what, I was this close.

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